Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010


An unidentified flying object, or UFO, is any object in the air or upper atmosphere that cannot be identified. Some definitions, such as that which is used by the USAF, define a UFO as an object unable to be identified after scrutiny, while other definitions define an object as being a UFO from the time it is first reported as being unidentified, even though most subsequently become IFOs, Identified Flying Objects.

Reports of unusual aerial phenomena date back to ancient times, but modern reports and the first official investigations began during World War II with sightings of so-called foo fighters by Allied airplane crews, and in 1946 with widespread sightings of European "ghost rockets". UFO reports became even more common after the first widely publicized United States UFO sighting, by private pilot Kenneth Arnold in mid 1947. Hundreds of thousands of UFO reports have since been made worldwide.

On a clear typical night within a 2hr window just after sunset, there can be seen at certain vantage points multiple star like objects "UFO" traveling within a straight line at high and low altitudes. Their seems to be "particular aerial highways" these objects are using on a yearly to daily bases. A North-South/South-North direction seems to be a common route used by these aerial star like objects "UFO". From NYUFO vantage point the Atlantic Ocean is South and Upper New York State leading to Canada is just North of here. NYUFO questions whether these objects are entering or returning from hidden bases located within the United States and or Canada & also located in the Atlantic Ocean. There seems to be a connection to these Star Like Unknown Objects "UFO" being seen above and some news worthy events occurring within their routes of travel.

For those of you who remember flight 800 the commercial aircraft that mysteriously fell into the Atlantic Ocean in the "Moriches Bay" Long Island on July 17,1996.This tragic incident is believed by NYUFO to be within the time frame and aerial highway used by these unknown star like objects "UFO".

A news article written by the Associated Press quoted a military-trained helicopter pilot named Frederick C Meyer, who was flying an Air National Guard H-60 Black Hawk helicopter on a training mission,was among the first of many eyewitnesses to report having seen a "light Streak" arcing in the sky before the jet exploded.

NYUFO theory is that their could have been a secret operation taking place by either the US Navy & or Brookhaven National Labs using laser cannons to shoot down these Star Light Objects "UFO" crossing over their particular airspace and flight 800 was just in the wrong place at the wrong time!

The Star Wars or SDI program deploying Ground Base & Space Base laser technology has successfully been used against extraterrestrial objects shown by two cases that occurred between 1989 and 1992. Both cases UFO were shot down. During the night of September 28, 1989,at about midnight, the Ultra Super Secret Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island successfully brought down a boomerang shaped object sighted by dozens of eye witnesses crashing in the "Moriches Bay". A second UFO brought down by the same Laboratory occurred on Nov 24,1992 at around 7:12pm. The object crashed in South Haven Park, within the vicinity of the Laboratory,which was quickly sealed off by police, fire dept,and Army. A video tape made by the fire department shows the burning wreck and three small corpses with big almond-shaped eyes was passed on to the UFO researcher John Ford of the Long Island UFO Network by an employee of the Brookhaven Lab.
Accordingly these two cases were not isolated cases.
Nov 24,1992 possible ufo crash artifact recovered.
Taken from KeelyNet (214) 324-3501 Sponsored by Vangard Sciences PO BOX 1031 Mesquite, TX 75150 arch 30, 1990 UFO Landing and Government Intercept Hi there.My name is Ed Sanborn and I'm the MUFON State Director for Mass. I received the following in the mail from a member of the LIUFON on Friday Nov. 24, 1989:LONG ISLAND U.F.O.NETWORK P.O. BOX 232 Center Moriches,New York 11934 A NON- PROFIT RESEARCH ORGANIZATION. PRESS RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE COPY The Long Island UFO Network, Inc., a non-profit research organization based on Long Island, announces to the media of the Metropolitan area and the Nation that we have evidence that on September 28, 1989 the United States Armed Forces attempted to recover a disabled,or landed UFO. The incident occurred on the Dune Area of Smith's Point Beach near the entrance to the Moriches Bay. Military and Suffolk County Police Helicopters were involved in an apparent attempt to monitor the craft on the Beach. A second object estimated to be 574 feet to a thousand feet long was observed hovering over the Bay.It was composed of six tremendously large lights. The helicopters (six involved) were composed of four military helicopters and two Suffolk County Police Helicopters. These helicopters surrounded the large object (commonly referred to as a mother ship) in a circular rotation passing around this object in a counter clockwise flight, the helicopters would then fly over the second downed object in the dunes. As this maneuver was completed, the area would be illuminated by the helicopters searchlights in an attempt to illuminate what was on the ground. Long Island UFO Network, Inc. has interviewed the eyewitnesses to this event. The family lives in Center Moriches Long Island.The husband, wife, and their adult son observed the large object from their backyard in response to military helicopter overflights of their home. The husband and son drove to the Union Ave. dock and for two and a half hours observed the operation. The witnesses described the operation to LIUFON investigators' under the provision their identities and address be held in the strictest confidentiality. For their protection they were interviewed on tape under fictitious identities and addresses. The husband's taped interview is available to the media for examination with permission of the witness. The case is under further investigation by LIUFON investigators. As more information develops it will be released to the media. The case will be discussed at our forthcoming conference on October 29th in Middle Island, NY at the Artist Lake Condominium Center. There exists 48 photographs of this occurrence taken by the eyewitnesses. They have been impounded by LIUFON for scientific evaluation. As soon as tests are finished they will be presented to the public on the Joel Martin Cable TV Show on Cablevision at a date to be announced.We call upon the FAA, Suffolk County Police and the United States Government to comment on this.Did they have UFO's over Moriches Bay on Sept. 28, 1989 between 8:45 P.M. to 11:30 P.M. and were they monitoring it? LIUFON demands to know, the public demands to know and the World demands to know.

Also another airliner which nose dived into the ocean off the coast of Nantucket Mass.
at 33,000 feet around 1:52am on Oct.31,1999 EgyptAir Flight 990 the crash still remains a aviation crash mystery.

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